Warren’s Rabbits Scamper to Victory

Stawell Amateur Athletic Club held their annual Meumann Teams Relay event last Sunday, with four teams of 5 runners competing over the 1900m course.

Both senior and junior runners complete 2 laps of the course, while sub-junior runners did one.

The sub-junior runners did their lap first, with Liam Burns coming in ahead of Somer Darnell, then India Burns and Scarlet Burns. Then the rest of the field took over.

Scotties Tissues team captain Ray Scott got the his team away to a great start, with Ebony Darnell putting Barney’s Stragglers into second place, ahead of Rhonda Clarke of Warren’s Rabbits, then Gary Saunders of Howden’s Hounds.

Scotties Tissues maintained their lead for the next three laps, until Warren’s Rabbits team captain Nathaniel Warren put in the fastest leg of the day to grab the lead. Col Barnett and Liam Scott both put in good legs to keep Barney’s Stragglers in second place, while Gary Howden, with the help of Garry Rice lifted his team Howden’s Hounds from 4th place into third.

Over the remaining laps, Warren’s Rabbits maintained their lead, to finish a over a minute ahead of Barney’s Stragglers. Howden’s Hounds finished third, after a great battle with Scotties Tissues in which they alternated places right to the last lap.

Warren’s Rabbits team members were Nathaniel Warren, Nat Watson, Sharon Howden, Rhonda Clark, and Liam Burns.

Fastest time of the day was 6 minutes 23 seconds by Nathaniel Warren.

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